Tuesday, July 10

"Workplace Bathroom" (and workplace gift) finish

I went home early yesterday because I wasn't feeling well and went ahead and finished my work-gift project.

It's on a mystery piece of opalescent fabric.  Blue/white mottled (quite pretty), and I thought it was 28 count, but it's bigger than the finished piece should have been, so I guess maybe 25 ct?

I'll be buying a hoop to frame it in, I got a 5" hoop, but it's a bit too small with the slightly larger size. 

The link to the etsy shop (La Hoopla) is here :)


  1. Hah, I was suspecting this would turn out somewhat like this! Well done, hope you're feeling better!

  2. Haha this is too funny. Congrats on the finish.

  3. Very professional artwork

  4. Lovely post thanks for posting.

  5. Perhaps consider adding hand sanitizer and soap dispensers as part of your next office upgrade.


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