Monday, November 27

November WIPocalypse

So here we are with the November WIPocalypse report  -  I've managed two months in a row, crazy!

This was where Freshwater Pearls was last month:

And this is where it is this month:

There's actually a little bit more than that done, but I didn't take an updated picture.   I just got one thread done in that blank spot towards the middle.  I'm trying to finish out that bit of beige so I can get to the crab and move on down to the final third of the piece.   I still have fantasies of getting it done this year, but we'll see how that goes.

And then this weekend, I started working on the last of the Desert Sunrises/Sunsets.   I count all three of my pieces as one big WIP, and I have this fantasy idea that I'll get this done quickly and sweet talk Annette into taking them with her on her final sojourn to Nick's

Most of the floss used in this piece is blended.  This is one of the two? three? symbols/colors that's not.  It's just plain ol' 352, but it actually spans the whole width of the piece, so hopefully I got that counted alright and I can use that as the base.   To the left of the center of the piece, it looks like it has little "knots" along the line.   When stitching it, I counted by fives and would do a full cross after 5 stitches.  I learned to do that with Teresa Wentzler pieces - counting out and doing a full cross each 10th when going across a border or long stretch like that.  Fives worked better for me in this piece, the way I was highlighting (it's an older hand drawn chart without the thicker 10 grid lines).  This piece does not have as much coverage, so I'm hoping to get it done in a quicker fashion than my last desert panorama.

Question of the month:

What finishing style have you never tried but would love to do?

And this is where I give a big ol' shrug.   I'm not sure, by in large because I just finish things if I like the way I've seen them finished or if I think of something interesting.   I have fairly decent sewing skills, so I don't mind finishing into stockings or bell pulls.   I enjoy 3D finishes such as biscornus or Just Nan's little mice.   I've done some of my own framing, though I would rather pay someone else because I'm not quite as skilled.   I'm thinking of doing some flatfolds in the future, though?


  1. Fresh water Pearls is moving right along. Keep it up.

    1. Thank you! I hope to have a finish this year, but even if I don't get there I feel good about the progress :)

  2. Wow you made a ton of progress on Freshwater Pearls. Great work. Great start on your dessert piece too.

  3. Great progress on Pearls! Soon you'll be done all that beige, so nice. And great idea on the long row, I'll have to remember that one.

    1. The counting X number of stitches and doing a full cross (if you're a ///\\\ or \\\/// stitcher) for counting is brilliant. I can't remember when I learned it (late 90s), but it's been a lifesaver! :)
      Not so great for full crosses/overdyes, but I don't like getting too stripey with those anyway ;)

  4. Great progress on Freshwater Pearls - maybe that beige actually does have an end! Great new start. I like the tip with doing a whole stitch every 5/10 stitches when doing long lines...I think I'll try that the next time I have a border or something like that to count.

    1. the whole cross can be a lifesaver! I liken it to those counting charms knitters use :)
      The beige will end one day! I want to get that little "hole" in the middle done and work my way down, then the beige isn't quite done, but there aren't whole swaths of it, which should make it more bearable :)

  5. Great progress on Freshwater Pearls. Looking forward to seeing more of your desert scene. I love the cross on 10 tip.

  6. I think I'm going to have to bump Freshwater Pearls up on the "to stitch" list...


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